Empowering Māori success: Join the webinar of Te Kōrari Rangahau to identify pathways to improve Level 4 Māori carpentry apprenticeships

Funded through ConCOVE’s contestable project fund, the research project was conducted by Te Kōrari Rangahau, an academic research centre by and for Māori under Whitireia Weltec. They recently concluded the research “He Ruku Hohonu/ What the people said, what does Level 4 carpentry education and qualification look like for Māori?”

This study aimed to identify barriers and opportunities to improve the support and delivery of Level 4 carpentry apprenticeships for Māori.

Through interviews with Māori carpentry ākonga, whānau, iwi, employers (kaiwhakawhiwhi mahi) and kaiako, the research identified 44 themes spanning six intervention principles and five stakeholder groups.

These insights have informed nine recommendations to strengthen the delivery of carpentry training, including:

  • Celebrate ākonga success
  • Clarify pathways for continuing education
  • Strengthen kanohi ki te kanohi delivery and engagement
  • Integrate marae infrastructure into support and delivery
  • Communicate better with whānau
  • Establish peer support infrastructure
  • Establish a clear timeline for measuring and tracking progression
  • Increase access to academic learning support
  • Provide comprehensive mentoring and wrap-around support

To discuss the project’s findings, a webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 18, 2024 at 2 p.m.

To attend, please register via the link

Katherine Hall, Executive Director of ConCOVE, emphasises the significance of these findings.

“This research provides valuable insights into how we can shape our programs to provide targeted support for Māori students in the carpentry trades. We are committed to facilitating the implementation of the recommendations to help increase opportunities and enable the success of Māori in our sector.”

The webinar will be held by ConCOVE and presented by Te Kōrari Rangahau.

For more detailed information, you can access the full report here.