On-site Upstanders: Building a Bystander Culture

A Framework to Eliminate Sexual Harassment & Hostile Work Environments for Women in Construction & Infrastructure

Full report Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Women Culture

On-site Upstanders: Building a Bystander Culture 

Associate Professor Fiona Hurd, Dr Suzette Dyer

This document presents the theory of change and answers many of the questions that those in the industry might ask about it: Why do we need it? Isn’t there work happening already? What can each part of the sector do to contribute to change?

The theory of change has seven key recommendations:

1. Create a mechanism for the sector to connect and learn together

2. Establish sector agreement around bystander/upstander good practice and sexual harassment

3. Work towards best-practice reporting sector-wide

4. Start the procurement conversation

5. Training initiatives

6. Bystander supporting actions

7. Filling the gaps in our understanding

The research details underpinning the On Site Upstanders report and Theory of Change are available here.

Download On Site Upstanders: Building a Bystander Culture (PDF)

Download the stand-alone Theory of Change (PDF)