German New Zealand Delegation Report
This report summarises the collective experiences, observations, and perspectives of the delegation participants.
It encapsulates their diverse insights and the invaluable exchanges that were facilitated.
Further, it outlines a vision for next steps towards realising a robust and responsive vocational education ecosystem in New Zealand.

German New Zealand Delegation
In February 2024, a delegation titled "Building Bridges" travelled from New Zealand to Germany to study the German vocational education system, with particular focus on the construction sector. The German vocational education system has been a recurring subject of discussion for the GNZCC, so organizing this delegation to showcase the system fulfilled a longstanding aspiration. The Chamber intends to glean insights from this endeavour relevant to enhancing vocational education practices in New Zealand. This report provides a summary of the delegation, which was undertaken by 11 delegates representing 13 diverse companies and organisations, spanning industry, iwi and education.
The visit was facilitated by the German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (GNZCC), in conjunction with our partners including the Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, iMOVE at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), and the Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action (BMWK).
The overarching aim of the project is to address a pressing need to establish a flexible and adaptive vocational education framework in New Zealand, aligned with the evolving demands of the construction and building industry. The delegation sought to glean insights, strategies, and methodologies from Germany's well-established system to inform and inspire innovative approaches back home.
This report summarises the collective experiences, observations, and perspectives of the delegation participants. It encapsulates their diverse insights and the invaluable exchanges that were facilitated. Further, it outlines a vision for next steps towards realising a robust and responsive vocational education ecosystem in New Zealand.