ConCOVE Tūhura launches degree-level apprenticeship pilots in Construction and Infrastructure industry

ConCOVE Tūhura is pleased to announce a significant milestone in the advancement of degree-level apprenticeships within New Zealand's construction and infrastructure industry. This delivery model, which has been successfully adopted overseas, provides a pathway for individuals to gain an undergraduate degree while maintaining full-time employment. This approach combines on-the-job and off-the-job education and training, ensuring that  both practical experience and academic knowledge are achieved for more work-ready graduates.

Katherine Hall, Executive Director of ConCOVE Tūhura, stated, " Degree-level apprenticeships are a game-changer for our industry. By integrating academic study with practical work experience, we are equipping future professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in industry - faster. Degrees earned on-the-job benefits individuals and strengthens industry".  

Pilot Programmes underway 

The first pilot programme, a collaboration between Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ) and Ara Institute of Canterbury, marks an important step in this initiative. This pilot supports a new pathway for architectural technology professionals to gain an undergraduate degree while working in the industry, thus earning and learning. 

Keryn Davis, ADNZ Chief Executive, remarked, “This partnership will revolutionise the way we train our professionals, ensuring they receive both theoretical and practical education simultaneously, with industry shaping their education on the job."

ConCOVE Tūhura is also in discussions to establish implementation groups for other degree-level apprenticeships with various industry associations and tertiary education organisations. Potential candidates for these pilots include civil engineering, surveying, and construction management sectors.

Robert de Roo, Head of Department for Engineering and Architectural Studies,  Ara Institute of Canterbury commented, "We are excited to be at the forefront of this initiative, which will undoubtedly elevate the standards of education and training in our field."

Formation of Advisory Group

An advisory group has been formed, comprising representatives from Workforce Development Councils, Te Pūkenga, the University of Waikato, and Universities New Zealand. This group's expertise and guidance will be instrumental in supporting the mainstream adoption of degree-level apprenticeships across the country.

For the full membership of the Advisory Group, click here.

By incorporating the unique needs of New Zealand's industry with a robust applied research model, ConCOVE Tūhura is set to transform the educational landscape, providing robust and dynamic learning opportunities for future construction and infrastructure professionals.

For more information about degree-level apprenticeship comparative pilot, please visit ConCOVE website here.