Programme Development and Delivery
Good practice in the development and implementation
of skill standards-based qualifications
Programme Development and Delivery
Karen Vaughan and Andrew Kear
Focus and audience
This guide focuses on what is involved in the development and delivery of programmes of learning that implement skill standards and skill standards-based qualifications. For the purposes of this guide, ‘delivery’ does not include assessment. Assessment and moderation are covered by a separate guide in the toolkit, Assessment and Consistency Measures.
The intended audience for this guide is:
- programme developers, capability developers and teacher educators in ITPs, PTEs and WBLOs;
- teaching and tutoring staff in provider-based or distance settings; and
- trainers and mentors in work-based settings.
It would be ideal for managers and leaders in tertiary education providers and WBLOs to ‘workshop’ the guides with their teams.
The guide is also useful for those working in other parts of the vocational education system, whose work sits ‘upstream’ or ‘downstream’ of the main audience. For example, those who:
- develop qualifications and standards
- assess qualifications and standards
- assure the consistency of qualifications and standards
- provide qualifications or learning programme developers with subject matter expertise as industry or stakeholder representatives
- have an interest in the vocational education system.
The guide assumes development and delivery for a qualification that the provider has not before offered, and that this would be for a national qualification based on skill standards. The guide is still relevant for providers familiar with offering programmes towards unit standards-based national qualifications and where they are updating such programmes to lead to skill standards-based national qualifications.
Other guides in the toolkit provide detailed guidance on each part of the process and the principles that should guide the work.