Environmental competency training:
Full report: Professional environmental training - a landscape scan

Building the business case for professional enviromental training – a Phase 1 landscape scan
Clare Feeney
This report contributes to the foundational support required to enhance environmental and sustainability skills in New Zealand. The report also serves various stakeholders involved in education, training, and workforce oversight, including Waihanga Ara Rau, the Regional Skills Leadership Groups, Tertiary Education Commission, Te Pūkenga, and universities, along with other agencies and groups providing environmental training.
The required deliverables of this Phase 1 Landscape Scan project are:
- A list of key environmental and infrastructure stakeholders and how they relate to each other;
- A list of the Government legislation, policy and other initiatives that are directly relevant to the water, infrastructure, resource management and climate change reforms that affect the work of ConCOVE and key industry associations and other stakeholders;
- An overview on how each industry association views its capability and capacity to deliver the work needed to deliver the outcomes described above; and
- A set of recommendations that inform the scope, outcomes and workplan of the Phase 2 Environmental Capabilities Project, including scoping an outcome monitoring framework.
This Phase 1 also report lists matters that cannot be addressed here, but should not be forgotten. These and any recommendations for further action are detailed in Section 6.7. of the report.
Download the landcape scan (PDF)