How to Use the Good Practice Guides
How to Use the Good Practice Guides
How to Use the Good Practice Guides
Karen Vaughan and Andrew Kear
Using the Guides
Guides are designed to help standard-setting bodies (SSBs), WBLOs and tertiary education providers deepen their understanding of what skills standards should be and do to achieve the quality and consistency that will meet the needs of industry and learners.
Each guide is addressed to a particular aspect of the work involved in qualifications development and implementation. Each guide discusses the most challenging issues for that work, and sets out guiding principles, illustrated with practice interpretations, examples and exemplars.
The audience for each guide is indicated by the title (e.g. the Assessment and Consistency Measures guide will be most relevant for assessors and moderators). However, a secondary audience for each guide is those who work ‘upstream’ or ‘downstream’ of the kind of work discussed. This is shown in the following table. Each guide in the set has been allocated a colour. That guide most relevant to a particular group is marked with that colour. A lighter shade of the same colour indicates relevance those working ‘upstream’ or ‘downstream’.
Suggested audiences for each guide

Topics and Issues covered by each guide