Exploring the ways Kaiako are Supported and Developed

Provider-based VET kaiako development pathways

Full report Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Women Culture

Provider-Based VET Kaiako Development Pathways

Exploring the ways Kaiako are Supported and Developed 

David Penney, Skills Group
Josh Williams, Skills Group

This report examines the development pathways for provider-based Vocational Education and Training (VET) kaiako (educators) in the Construction & Infrastructure and Food & Fibre sectors of Aotearoa New Zealand. The study explores current practices, identifies challenges, and proposes areas for improvement in kaiako development.

Overall, there is currently varied structure and guidance for development, including criteria for quality, across and within providers. Further, development tools and practices are insufficient for kaiako needs in many instances, though good practices exist. Collaboration is needed to enable better outcomes for kaiako and learners; guidance for development aims and pathways should be created, along with tools for provider and kaiako self-assessment and planning; and development tools should be adjusted or supplemented to meet kaiako needs for timing, relevance, and quality.

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