Degree-Level Apprenticeship: Full Report

A systems gap analysis for transformative change in the Aotearoa New Zealand vocational education and training sector pipeline

Full report Innovation and Disruptive Technologies How we learn (Productivity)

Degree-Level Apprenticeships (DLA)

Peter Scanlan

The purpose of this paper is to develop a system gap analysis to identify what is holding back the establishment of degree-level apprenticeships (DLA) as a legitimate higher-level qualification delivery method in the Aotearoa New Zealand education framework for tertiary providers and learners, and what adjustments would be required to enable further use of higher-level apprenticeships as a delivery solution, for existing degree qualifications.

Key themes examined in this paper includes:

  • The benefits to learners of an earn and learn qualification.
  • The benefits of DLA to further equity and diversity.
  • The roles of the central government agencies to develop relevant policies and encourage, fund, and promote DLA. 
  • The central role of providers such as Te Pūkenga, wānanga, and universities to deliver DLA education and training in collaboration with industry and employers.
  • The terminology around apprenticeships training and what this means in a degree delivery model.
  • The role of industry and employers to build relationships and promote and encourage DLA within key industries to fill skill shortages.
  • The delivery models available from international experience to provide valuable insights into Aotearoa New Zealand’s education and training landscape.

Download the full report (PDF, 870KB)