An Overview of the System for Skill Standards

Good practice in the development and implementation
of skill standards-based qualifications

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An Overview of the System for Skill Standards

Karen Vaughan and Andrew Kear

Focus and audience 
This guide provides an overview of the whole system for the development and implementation of skill standards-based qualifications, including how the system functions as a whole and what is involved for each distinct part.

The guide is for those working in vocational education who develop qualifications and who implement (deliver, assess and moderate) them in learning programmes. In other words, those who:

  • develop qualifications and standards
  • are industry representatives or stakeholders who are consulted (or want to be consulted) about standards, qualifications or learning programmes
  • implement qualifications by developing and delivering learning programmes
  • assess learning outcomes against standards
  • assure the consistency of assessment outcomes (e.g. quality assurance or moderation)
  • have an interest in the vocational education system.

Other guides in the toolkit provide detailed guidance on each part of the process and the principles that should guide the work. The guides also discuss particular challenges and issues in the work and provide examples of good practice.